a quality commitment

without compromise



a quality commitment

without compromise

Make the databases recording necessary for your Artificial Intelligence design under the specific recording conditions required by the highest standards in this field.

    Backed by years of experience in TTS (Text to Speech) and ASR (Automatic speech recognition) technologies, we can successfully complete your project in all its aspects.

    our expertise


    • HUMAN RESOURCES : From casting to artistic direction, from administrative management to human management, we handle all the necessary human resources.
    • LEGAL : Entrust us with your project in with total serenity. Supported by competent lawyers, we take the greatest care to match your project’s needs with the profession’s customs according to the French regulations in place and thus manage the contractual part with the greatest peace of mind.
    • STANDARDS : Thanks to our studios’ design, we comply with the NC15 Standard (NR20) and achieve high performance results regarding the « T30 » constraint ;
    • CONFORMING : Beyond the recording phase, we take care of the Editing/Renaming/Conforming of audio databases ;
    • DASHBOARDS : In order to optimize the monitoring of your projects’ progress, we are designing various customized monitoring tools ;
    • PRIVACY and 4 levels BACKUP Strategy.

    noise levels in nc15 / NC20 curves

    Measures realized with the Black Solo sound level meter

    Ambiant noise levels broken down by octave bands of the 3 booths in standard work configuration are all contained under the NC15 curve (NR20 equiv.).

    classement des niveaux de bruit, en courbe nc
    comparatif des t30

    Average T30 comparison

    by rooms, in seconds

    Measures realized with the Black Solo sound level meter

    Reverb times at 500Hz & above of the 3 booths and vocal booth are under the 250ms limit.

    You are interested in our studios for your AI projects ?
