a quality commitment
without compromise
a quality commitment
without compromise
Make the databases recording necessary for your Artificial Intelligence design under the specific recording conditions required by the highest standards in this field.
Backed by years of experience in TTS (Text to Speech) and ASR (Automatic speech recognition) technologies, we can successfully complete your project in all its aspects.

our expertise
- HUMAN RESOURCES : From casting to artistic direction, from administrative management to human management, we handle all the necessary human resources.
- LEGAL : Entrust us with your project in with total serenity. Supported by competent lawyers, we take the greatest care to match your project’s needs with the profession’s customs according to the French regulations in place and thus manage the contractual part with the greatest peace of mind.
- STANDARDS : Thanks to our studios’ design, we comply with the NC15 Standard (NR20) and achieve high performance results regarding the « T30 » constraint ;
- CONFORMING : Beyond the recording phase, we take care of the Editing/Renaming/Conforming of audio databases ;
- DASHBOARDS : In order to optimize the monitoring of your projects’ progress, we are designing various customized monitoring tools ;
- PRIVACY and 4 levels BACKUP Strategy.
noise levels in nc15 / NC20 curves
Measures realized with the Black Solo sound level meter
Ambiant noise levels broken down by octave bands of the 3 booths in standard work configuration are all contained under the NC15 curve (NR20 equiv.).

Average T30 comparison
by rooms, in seconds
Measures realized with the Black Solo sound level meter
Reverb times at 500Hz & above of the 3 booths and vocal booth are under the 250ms limit.

A completely confidential workflow :
In addition to the SYSTEM drive, optimised for audio processing software such as Pro Tools, the WORK drive is fully and exclusively dedicated to your project needs. This disk is reset after being copied to the secure DATA drive, which can only be accessed by our staff, ensuring complete confidentiality of your data once your work is complete.
A 4-level back strategy / 24/7 secure access:
- Time Machine : The history of all 3 disks is first preserved and saved on the TIME CAPSULE drive via the native “Time Machine” feature of our workstations.
- Backup n°1 : The DATA drive is automatically backed up on our multi-bay RAID 5 server, thus offering you, beyond the aforementioned “Time Capsule” history, the true level 1 “on site” backup of your data.
- Backup n°2 :This RAID 5 server, itself in sync on our private “Cloud Sync” provides an authentic level 2 “off-site” backup of that same data.”
- Archives :An archiving system allows us to keep, upon request, an additional record of your projects.
- 24/7 secure access : Our Cloud Sync also allows us to provide you with a secure space offering various services such as: audio streaming of your files (map, mix, etc.), downloading and backup of your projects in their entirety.
Contact us
2, avenue du Maréchal Maunoury 75016 PARIS
+33 1 45 04 00 44
Opening hours
Office: Monday – Friday : 10am-7pm
Sessions: 24/7
Métro 9 : stations “Muette” and “Rue de la Pompe”, from 10mins on foot.
Bus PC : “Ernest Hebert” stop
Bus 63 : “Porte de la muette” stop
RER C : stations “Henry Martin” from 5mins on foot.
Looking for an internship ?
If you are in the final term of your studies and are looking for an internship, please send us your CV at rh@twinstudiosparis.com.
We will contact you during our recruitment periods if we are interested.